Find Your Pearl- Spiritual Direction

Contact (631) 681-9446 or

Ueli Pio Laeng, Spiritual Director


The Journey

  ....the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it...

Matthew 13:45-46

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great val

What to expect

"Spiritual direction is helping people tell their sacred stories everyday" 

Spiritual Direction is a specialized ministry in the Church. It is a graced way of serving another believer helping the other to grow in intimacy with God and to live out the consequences of this intimacy. The focus of spiritual direction is the directee’s (man/women of prayer ) experience of God and how communication happens between God and directee. Trained spiritual directors have a background in ministry ,communication skills, personality dynamics, and various resources in prayer, spirituality and scripture. While some directors may be trained pastoral or psychological counselors, problem solving therapy is not the focus. Rather, both director and directee agree to meet regularly so the directee might pay closer attention to the action of God.

Rooted in Christ

About Ueli Pio Laeng

Ueli P. Laeng is the President of MBS, a healthcare financial consulting company. He is a graduate of the Pastoral Formation Institute, Rockville Centre, NY and completed a 3rd. year track in Spiritual Direction. He received his certificate from a three-year training program in the Art of Spiritual Direction from St. Josephs Renewal Center, Brentwood NY. He holds certification and is authorized in giving the 19th. Annotation Retreat of Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Ueli is the coordinator of Eucharistic Ministers for Stony Brook Hospital Chaplaincy office for over 10 years. He has been accepted into the training program for Hospital Chaplaincy services. He serves at his home parish St. James R.C. Setauket, NY, in the ministries of proclaimer, EM and RCIA facilitator. Currently he is forming groups for PTSD veterans returning from active duty. He and his wife Lorraine are enjoying a large family with many new arrivals.